Here is a 5 second clip of the motion of Jehovah's Chariot now you must take it that a lot of these zigs and zags are many miles in length and dizzying to the eye:
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
"Keeping up with Jehovah's Chariot"
by FusionTheism inclarified understandings / new light of the past 7 years or so:.
* the faithful and discreet slave is only the governing body and only since 1919.. * the faithful slave was appointed in 1919 by jesus but it will not receive its greater authority until the judgment of the sheep and goats.. * charles taze russell was not part of the faithful and discreet slave.. * there was no slave for 1900 years before 1919.. * there may not have been any anointed during those 1900 years, but it's possible there were a few.. * 1935 was not the cut-off date for the selection of the anointed-- this selection is still ongoing.
* 1935 has no special biblical significance.. * 1918 has no special biblical significance.. * gog of magog is not satan, but is a coalition of nations, who may be ruled by the mysterious king of the north.. * there is no evil slave class.
Does The Governing Body Have Enemies At Bethel?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini would think that a lot of resentment is building up for these for these guys at bethel even though it may not be discussed openly for fear of being abused by the gb in some way.. any way looking at their personality and the extreme phoniness of rubber mouth/face lett, and am#3, and the chicken shit coward leosch who won't even show up in court when subpoena'd to defend his faith or policies, and i'm sure they have many more undesirable traits that repel people instead of attract and that has to work its toll on relationships they have at bethel.. and this shunning thing i'm sure must really erk some at god's house and while they may not be free to voice their discontent i feel it must be building because these guys are complete nincompoops when it come to reality and the only way they know how to give direction is with fear and guilt which i'm sure is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.. and let not forget the issues that are raise when they stole all the congregations savings and the pledge drive for more cash, ban on higher education, lawsuit pay out and etc.... what is this doing to the relation ship they have with legal and accounting i see trouble brewing right thier in the spiritual pair of dice..
Brokeback Watchtower
I bet this latest robbing of all the US congregation's of their money that they just took from them by forcing the elders to comply with their wish by adopting a resolution to send all surpluses to them except immediate operational cost(you get DF'd for non compliance to Mother's suggestions), and the forced selling Kingdom Halls where all proceeds are sent to the WT Charity Corporation.
Certainly this type of behavior must set off some type of warnings in their computer systems to do a deeper search and find out what's going on with this doom's day cult.
"Keeping up with Jehovah's Chariot"
by FusionTheism inclarified understandings / new light of the past 7 years or so:.
* the faithful and discreet slave is only the governing body and only since 1919.. * the faithful slave was appointed in 1919 by jesus but it will not receive its greater authority until the judgment of the sheep and goats.. * charles taze russell was not part of the faithful and discreet slave.. * there was no slave for 1900 years before 1919.. * there may not have been any anointed during those 1900 years, but it's possible there were a few.. * 1935 was not the cut-off date for the selection of the anointed-- this selection is still ongoing.
* 1935 has no special biblical significance.. * 1918 has no special biblical significance.. * gog of magog is not satan, but is a coalition of nations, who may be ruled by the mysterious king of the north.. * there is no evil slave class.
Brokeback Watchtower
You know the way Jehovah's Chariot is moving these days or say from 1914 till present, going all zigzag, up and down, sideways, 180 degree u turns, sporadic stops and starts it seems almost like nobody's steering the dam thing, Keeping up with Jehovah's Chariot has become quite a challenge it's become like a cat and mouse game where Jehovah's Chariot is the mouse and people trying keep up with are the cat trying to pounce on it for a nice meal.
Does The Governing Body Have Enemies At Bethel?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini would think that a lot of resentment is building up for these for these guys at bethel even though it may not be discussed openly for fear of being abused by the gb in some way.. any way looking at their personality and the extreme phoniness of rubber mouth/face lett, and am#3, and the chicken shit coward leosch who won't even show up in court when subpoena'd to defend his faith or policies, and i'm sure they have many more undesirable traits that repel people instead of attract and that has to work its toll on relationships they have at bethel.. and this shunning thing i'm sure must really erk some at god's house and while they may not be free to voice their discontent i feel it must be building because these guys are complete nincompoops when it come to reality and the only way they know how to give direction is with fear and guilt which i'm sure is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.. and let not forget the issues that are raise when they stole all the congregations savings and the pledge drive for more cash, ban on higher education, lawsuit pay out and etc.... what is this doing to the relation ship they have with legal and accounting i see trouble brewing right thier in the spiritual pair of dice..
Brokeback Watchtower
Do you think the Feds have their eye on things of this sort, waiting till they have a open and shut case?
I'm sure the government doesn't want this source of revenue for them in the form of tax dollars to escape them from any of this type of fraud.
The Devouring Mother Archetype(jungian) And the Watchtower Corporation's Self Identification As Mother And Jehovah As Father
by Brokeback Watchtower inthe devouring mother must be always listen to and obeyed it is the negative side of the anima image and it rules over the watchtower corporation.
jehovah(corporation's imaginary sock puppet) is the father figure with his masculine macho swagger he gains victory over every detractor and his huge narcissistic personality demands exclusive devotion from everyone or it's the death penalty, he suffers from an inflated ego and has a very dark and evil shadow due to denial of his dark nature/satan(scape goat).
the children or rank and file pee on dedicated members of the corporation must now engage in worthless pursuits to satisfy a mood swinging domineering mother and a murderous self righteous father all the while being shown a very contemptible form of conditional love, accompanied with constant death threat reminders and a carrot on a sting to keep them focused on such and busy with worthless pursuits for a hopeless cause.
Brokeback Watchtower
The dis functional family where suppressed evil through denial is never acknowledge and the brain function atrophy through lack of use and rigid thought control and question supression. Listen and obey or else scorn and dissatifaction are heaped on the children to satisfy corporate greed and dissolution of one's own individuality and become just a faceless wheel in the machinery meat for the grinder unrecognizable from its natural form:
Does The Governing Body Have Enemies At Bethel?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini would think that a lot of resentment is building up for these for these guys at bethel even though it may not be discussed openly for fear of being abused by the gb in some way.. any way looking at their personality and the extreme phoniness of rubber mouth/face lett, and am#3, and the chicken shit coward leosch who won't even show up in court when subpoena'd to defend his faith or policies, and i'm sure they have many more undesirable traits that repel people instead of attract and that has to work its toll on relationships they have at bethel.. and this shunning thing i'm sure must really erk some at god's house and while they may not be free to voice their discontent i feel it must be building because these guys are complete nincompoops when it come to reality and the only way they know how to give direction is with fear and guilt which i'm sure is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.. and let not forget the issues that are raise when they stole all the congregations savings and the pledge drive for more cash, ban on higher education, lawsuit pay out and etc.... what is this doing to the relation ship they have with legal and accounting i see trouble brewing right thier in the spiritual pair of dice..
Brokeback Watchtower
So I take it that commercial interest guide the voters are on the board of directors as they steer the corporation in property accumulation, construction projects, and manufacturing/printing operations and such as they are the suppliers of the goods for a nice profit$$$.
Perhaps if the liquidate everything they can settle with all the share holders then for a profit or golden parachute of some sort which might effect the direction they choose to take this corporation in the future as it gets darker and darker for them.
2015 Regional Convention Anthony Morris Governing Body encourages coerced baptism of unwilling children ...again
by Watchtower-Free inthis is from the last talk of the convention ......... clip 1:30 minutes long
Brokeback Watchtower
By watching his eyes I see a sort of tension going on inside him as if he knows deep down that what he is saying is going to be broadcasted on the internet where he will be psychologically analyzed with all sort of personalilty disorders which he is trying so hard not let into consciousness, I smell a neuroses brewing in the tensions of the unconscious and it shows in his eyes. -
Does The Governing Body Have Enemies At Bethel?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini would think that a lot of resentment is building up for these for these guys at bethel even though it may not be discussed openly for fear of being abused by the gb in some way.. any way looking at their personality and the extreme phoniness of rubber mouth/face lett, and am#3, and the chicken shit coward leosch who won't even show up in court when subpoena'd to defend his faith or policies, and i'm sure they have many more undesirable traits that repel people instead of attract and that has to work its toll on relationships they have at bethel.. and this shunning thing i'm sure must really erk some at god's house and while they may not be free to voice their discontent i feel it must be building because these guys are complete nincompoops when it come to reality and the only way they know how to give direction is with fear and guilt which i'm sure is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.. and let not forget the issues that are raise when they stole all the congregations savings and the pledge drive for more cash, ban on higher education, lawsuit pay out and etc.... what is this doing to the relation ship they have with legal and accounting i see trouble brewing right thier in the spiritual pair of dice..
Brokeback Watchtower
Is there any way that these 300-500 vote holders get kick backs or monetary rewards that come from profits annually? -
Parents under fire for failing to allow lifesaving blood transfusion to terminally ill son
by AndersonsInfo in
there is a video that can be seen at the above link that is worth watching.. the andersons.
7:10pm june 11, 2015 parents under fire for failing to allow lifesaving blood transfusion to terminally ill son.
Brokeback Watchtower
Where would we be if it weren't for Outlaws outstanding ability to give such pictures with his nail on the head hitting comments that are to me an artistic expression the fact that they shock some people to have a reaction that grabs them as repulsive needs to be explored for what it tells "himself" about "himself" and his own shadow projections as a sort of inkblot test and no cause for any alarm to be taken.
Keep up the good work Outlaw.
Does The Governing Body Have Enemies At Bethel?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini would think that a lot of resentment is building up for these for these guys at bethel even though it may not be discussed openly for fear of being abused by the gb in some way.. any way looking at their personality and the extreme phoniness of rubber mouth/face lett, and am#3, and the chicken shit coward leosch who won't even show up in court when subpoena'd to defend his faith or policies, and i'm sure they have many more undesirable traits that repel people instead of attract and that has to work its toll on relationships they have at bethel.. and this shunning thing i'm sure must really erk some at god's house and while they may not be free to voice their discontent i feel it must be building because these guys are complete nincompoops when it come to reality and the only way they know how to give direction is with fear and guilt which i'm sure is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.. and let not forget the issues that are raise when they stole all the congregations savings and the pledge drive for more cash, ban on higher education, lawsuit pay out and etc.... what is this doing to the relation ship they have with legal and accounting i see trouble brewing right thier in the spiritual pair of dice..
Brokeback Watchtower
Thanks very much OrphanCrow for this information. Yep the Board of Directors is where the power lay with a constant tension from the 500 vote holders. O my god what a clumsy running Jehovah's Chariot with it wheels full of about 500 eyes which cause it to make u turns at almost a random pace. Maybe the number is creeping towards 300 better get out there and finds some more idiots who hate college and philosophy and science to bring the number up to 400 hundred or something.
One thing bugs me is that Raymond Franz never really touch on this subject in his book and makes it seem that sole power to make policy is with the group he was in with no hint of a ceiling.